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Monday, September 08, 2008

A Wedding Reception Two-Fer 

On Saturday Carrie & I did something unusual: we went to TWO wedding receptions but ZERO actual weddings! That's 'cause both of the weddings actually happened a while ago.

The first one was for that time that I like to call "Kedar Weds Leah." That wedding happened in Australia, so not many of their friends could actually go. So they had a par-tay on Saturday to make up for it. There were a lot of Fools Play people and associates at this party. There was also barbecue. Therefore it was fun, even though there weren't enough badminton rackets to successfully play Two-Sticks. It helped that Sandy was fidgety like a six-year-old who'd had too much sugar, so one couldn't help but laugh whenever one looked her way. We only got to stay a couple of hours at this party (just long enough to get Rickrolled and have cake).

The second reception was for Sarah & Travis, who got "secretly" married back in June. I only knew about five people at this party from Junior High & College, so I spent most of the time talking with Brooks and/or Sarah. Also, there was steak and wine and lots of other good foodstuffs. I hadn't seen some of these people in over a year, so that was goot. We stayed there for about three hours before we went home to make sure Suki hadn't done anything bad on the carpets. Carrie's kinda paranoid about leaving her home alone for any amount of time.

Anyhoo, it was good to see everybody that I saw! It was an especially nice thing to happen this last weekend, because today begins my "Hell Week." More on that later...

EDIT: 7:13 AM I forgot to mention: I was a little disappointed because neither party had any HBR.

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posted by Christopher at 7:13 AM

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Wotta Weekend! 

This last weekend was crazy/awesome! Let's see...

Thursday was Melissa's rehearsal/dinner thing. To my surprise Mr. Sanders was there for the rehearsal! I hadn't seen him in like four years.

Din-dins was at Gateway, which is always rather tasty. To my surprise, Brandy was at the dinner! I hadn't seen her in more than a year! Okay, so I'd heard she was coming into town, but I'd only learned like a day or two beforehand, and I didn't know she'd be going to the dinner, so it was kinda a surprise.

I was wearing my shyguy thermal, but it was much, much too hot for the crowds. Fortunately I live only a couple of minutes away from Gateway so I was able to book it home and change into a comfy TMBG t-shirt.

Friday was the ACTUAL wedding. Carrie got herself all prettified and headed on down to the Ballet school around 4:00. I went down to the end of the Link light-rail at 6:00 and met up with the other two Bead Boys named Chris (and Josh, who is NOT named Chris). Our job, other than to look good, was to drive guests from the light-rail station up to the Ballet school. See, the wedding was at the Ballet school, but the reception was gonna be at the Museum of Glass. So Melissa had people park at the museum and then take the light-rail to the end closest to the Ballet school. Then one of us guys named Chris (or Josh) drove them the rest of the way to the school. It worked pretty well.

The wedding was pretty and funny and nicely short, which is good because it was a li'l hot in there. My favorite moment was when a woman dropped her program and it slid out into the middle of the aisle as Cat was walking down it. Thinking quickly, the woman stuck out her cane and dragged the program out of Cat's way just in time! It was really funny.

After the wedding I jetted back to my car and drove people from the Ballet school back to the light-rail station so they could get to the reception. After the school was cleaned out I picked up Carrie and we drove down to the Museum of Glass ourselves, where the reception occurred.

Carrie & I helped put centerpieces on the table at the reception hall part of the reception, and then went upstairs (outside) to where the first part of the reception was happening.

Anyhoo, it was a nice evening, and it was cool to get everybody together in one place. Here's a picture of the newlyweds:

Saturday there was another wedding thing: the post-wedding barbecue. It was at 1:00, and it was closer to 1:30 by the time we finally found it at Point Defiance (we actually got there before anybody else, which is why we couldn't find it at first). I basically had enough time to drop Carrie & Suki off before Brandy drove me on home so I could meet up with my brother, who drove me down to Olympia for Fools Play.

Fools Play was at the Midnight Sun in downtown. Midnight Sun is a strange, black-box-like performance space. It's weirdly laid-out (for instance, the only bathroom is behind the performance area, so you'd better hope your audience doesn't have to potty during the performance). The show was, of course, FPRL. We got down there so early so we could set up the space and all the technical stuff (and so I could get some final footage for the FPRL Introduction) and then practice everybody's moves.

Then at 5:00 Mike, Josh, Esa, and I all went three doors down to the Thai place for some Phud Thai.

After dinner we went back to the Midnight Sun and got ready some more and then performed Fools Play Rasslin' League: Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight!. Here's what happened.

Afterwards it was off to Denny's.

Sunday you'd think the wedding stuff would be over, but you'd be wrong. Around 1:00-ish we went over to Melissa's folks' house for to help her open her myriad wedding gifts! Honestly, so much happened this weekend that I can't remember anything else right now.

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posted by Christopher at 10:25 PM

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